‘Cause Lincoln’s Got Swagger
From Art Deco back to Mid-Century. Here’s the latest in my series of blue renders — the Lincoln Continental. Few of the Continental’s 60s-era contemporaries could match its swagger. No wonder it’s been featured in TV and movies through the decades! For view more renders, click here!
Type 35 – Fine Art Print
Lately, I’ve been indulging my fascination with Art Deco. And now, my homage to Bugatti’s iconic race car is now available!
Opposing Colors
Mixing things up a bit in this piece. Here, I’ve concentrated more on composition and color, and de-emphasized the literal representation of the car.
Using opposing colors creates a vibrant, energetic feel. I originally rendered the orange-on-blue version as a… Read More
Time-lapse Video: Citroen SM
From 2017. I moved away from this photorealistic style a while ago, but might revisit it in the future. The workflow is much different than the process I now use… but it’s kinda gratifying in its own unique way.
See more art here!
Ace High Straight Flush!
An ace-high straight flush (royal flush) is the best hand you can get! It can be formed 4 ways (one for each suit), giving it a probability of 0.000154%.
This Spades flush is represented by the GT40, 308, Countach, Testa Rossa, and Atlantic in my poker deck, “Car Cards” (featuring 52 unique illustrations).
Check out Car Cards here!
Check out my blog page to learn about the Lake Las Vegas Car Show, the ‘24 San Marino Motor Classic, my exhibitions, and much more! [See More]